Global rank:
29,429 / 95,372
Skill pts: 0


I'm an extrimely motivated Mechanical engineering studient, working also on a master research degree about materials and mechanical engineering
i'm extrimely good in CAD converting 2D to 3D , also creative to create new products as you want it


  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) - Campus Metz Master, Material and Mechanical Engineering 2019 – 2020 Double Degree program between ENIB and ENSAM for the excellent Students
  • école Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Bizerte (ENIB) Engineer, Mechaical Engineering 2017 – 2019 Activities and Societies: i was active in ceveral clubs like Enactus ENIB and LeadING ENIB


Age: 28

Joined: October 23, 2019


English Professional working proficiency

French Professional working proficiency


Nancy, Lorraine, France