Global rank:
1,663 / 94,598
Skill pts: 18


I am a Mechanical Engineer with focus on Industrial Design and Facilities Study. I have attended 3D design classes and have been involved in various projects at the Technical University of Crete. During my thesis, I designed and manufactured a 3D soft robotic gripper. My background studies have provided me with the skills to design objects with different geometries. I consider highly important to follow the latest trends in the development of novel design tools.

Design Entries


  • CNC machine operator Bountourakis S.A. · Internship Feb 2015 – Feb 2016 1 yrs Heraklion, Greece I completed my one-year internship in Bountourakis S.A, working as an operatοr of a CNC punching machine. There, I processed metal sheets in order to be used for profesional equipment (refrigeration systems, stainless steel furniture). It was a challenging job where i gained important experience in operating CNC machines and came in contact with the production line.


  • Technological Educational Institute of Crete MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2005 – 2015

Other experience

  • intership Soft robotic gripper designed for agricultural industry, specialized in collecting vegetables and fruits without hurting them. Fingers were made of silicone in 3D printed molds.

Age: 38

Joined: December 17, 2019

Last seen: September 19, 2023


English Limited working proficiency

Greek Native or bilingual proficiency


Athens, Attiki, Greece