Global rank:
30,331 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0


Professional engineer with 3+ years of experience in Mechanical Design (SMP) and Project Management. Possess thorough knowledge of design for manufacture and design for fabrication and highly proficient in CAD modelling, drafting and FEA.


  • Design and project manager Vrewery · Dec 2018 – Present 6 yrs 3 mos Responsible for carrying out Plant equipment design & piping design using AS 1210-2010 Pressure Vessel design and ASME B13.3 Process piping design code of practice, and designing plant automation using SCADA system.


  • Edith Cowan University MASTERS OF ENGINEERING (M. ENG), Mechanical Engineering 2015 – 2018 Design against Static and Dynamic loading fatigue. Structural designs. Matlab programming. Solidworks Modelling. FEA. Simulation. Weld Sizing. Sheet metal Design.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Mechanical Engineer Engineers Australia May 2018 – Present