Global rank:
30,513 / 96,274
Skill pts: 0


I am an Architectural Technician with 7 years experience in the industry.
My strengths are general arrangement drawings (plans, elevations, sections) and construction details.
Proficient with AutoCad, Vectorworks, and Photoshop. Intermediate level with Revit.
I have a great eye for detail and understand how a building and its components fit together.
Solid time management, work ethics, and communication skills (with clients, engineers, suppliers and builders).
Sector experience in residential and commercial.
Work experience in United Kingdom and New Zealand (moved from New Zealand to the United Kingdom in 2015).
I am currently employed full time but looking to take on additional jobs to improve my experience and knowledge.


  • Architectural Technician North Mill Associates · May 2018 – Present 6 yrs 10 mos Manchester, UK Duties include draughting, plans, elevations, sections and details for car showrooms. Updated drawings from co-workers mark-ups. Communication with managers, consultants and suppliers. Attended site visits to complete surveys or final inspections. Contacted companies to enquire about product information. Specified products and materials. Key skills include technical drawing including details. Worked in a team environment. Worked to tight deadlines. Experienced with the program AutoCad.
  • Architectural Technician APR Architects · Jul 2012 – Present 12 yrs 8 mos Hamilton, New Zealand Duties included draughting, technical drawings for housing modifications to make them accessible for recently physically disabled people. Updated drawings from a co-workers mark-ups. Organized and attended site visits including final inspections. Specified products and materials. Communication with contractors, clients, local planning authorities and engineers. Key skills included technical drawing including details. Worked in a team environment. Worked to tight deadlines. Experienced with the program VectorWorks.
  • Model Maker Scenic Miniatures · Jan 2004 – Present 21 yrs 2 mos New Zealand and USA A self run company where I hand build high quality detailed physical models. Can make anything from houses, to ships, to lifelike manikins. Have had constant work for sixteen years for clients from New Zealand and USA. Experienced in customer service, via internet, phone, face to face. Experienced in maintaining a client base. Experienced in maintaining a small business. Build models to tight customer specifics.
  • Architectural Technician Beech Design & Build · Nov 2016 – Apr 2018 1 yrs 5 mos Manchester, UK Duties included draughting, technical drawing for high end apartments, Grade II listed building. Updated drawings from co-workers mark-ups. Communication with internal departments, consultants, suppliers, site staff. Attended site visits to explain details and answer questions. Provided information to local planning authorities to discharge conditions. Specified products and materials. Key skills included technical drawing including details. Worked in a team environment including site staff. Experienced with problem solving. Worked to tight deadlines. Experienced with the program AutoCad.
  • Architectural Assistant Walker Simpson Architects · Jan 2016 – Nov 2016 10 mos Manchester, UK Duties included draughting, technical drawings for education projects, mainly details. Updated drawings from co-workers mark-ups. Communication with engineers, suppliers, local planning authorities. Attended site visits and assisted colleagues. Contacted companies to enquire about product information. Specified products and materials. Key skills included technical drawing including details. Worked in a team environment. Worked to tight deadlines. Experienced with the program AutoCad.
  • Project Manager APR Architects · Jan 2015 – Jul 2015 6 mos Rotorua, New Zealand Duties included Project Management, Project Managed up to 25 housing modifications at once. Communication with Contractors, Clients, Councils, Engineers and Planners. Managed the tender process. Attended site visits when difficult situations. Specified products and materials. Applied for Building Consents with Local Planning Authorities. Key skills included communication with Clients, Builders, Engineers, and Local Planning Authorities. Worked in a team environment. Experienced with problem solving. Worked to tight deadlines.


  • Victoria University Wellington School of Architecture and Design Bachelor of Building Science 2007 – 2010 Key skills included building structural design. Building simulation. Building service design (air conditioning, lighting, thermal properties, acoustic properties, fire proofing). Specialised in Digital Craft, which is creating 3D models and realistic renders of buildings. Sound computer skills.