Global rank:
3,222 / 95,291
Skill pts: 9


felixcreative is a CAD Design Bureau, providing Computer Aided Design drawing services. Concept Sketch Work, Detail Design, Photo Realistic Renderings, 3D CAD models, 3D Prints & Engineering Drawings are just some of our capabilities. We are also practiced in Product Design development, from sketch to fully working device. Using cutting edge software, we take your design and turn it into reality.


  • Senior Design Engineer Gozney Ltd · Full-time Oct 2021 – Aug 2023 1 yrs 10 mos undefined, England, United Kingdom As a self-driven multi-tasker, I help clients in many areas, from concept generation, photo realistic renderings, detail 3D design production and evaluation of rapid prototypes, production of engineering drawings for injection, blow moulded, machined & fabricated parts amongst many other activities.
  • Mechanical Design Engineer Corintech · Jun 2010 – Sep 2012 2 yrs 3 mos Wiltshire, UK As Corintech’s Mechanical Design Engineer, I worked within a team who developed a range of WiFi and custom products. I was responsible for design and manufacture of all mechanical parts, from concept through to production, assembly, and testing.
  • Design Engineer Vector Developments · Oct 2009 – Jun 2010 8 mos Dorset, UK The team’s Design Engineer, I helped design, develop and manufacture Security cameras for the Marine Industry. My role included concept development, 3D design, engineering drawings, and liaising with manufacturers. I was responsible for EMC testing and as quality manager, processing returns and rejects.
  • Plant Engineer Visteon · Jun 2008 – Jun 2009 1 yrs France My years’ University work placement with Visteon in Northern France, As AutoCAD draughtsman, I helped design component production lines for Jaguar and Ford among others. I had input into all movements of stock and machines within the factories, and designed components for Injection mould tools.


  • Prion Cutting Edge N/A, SolidEdge, Pass 2013 – 2013 Activities and Societies: N/A Five days of taught sessions, enhanced my abilities in Solid Edge, exposure to non-parametric Synchronous 3D modelling techniques & FEA benefited CAD development techniques.
  • Arts university college Bournemouth N/A, Introduction to Model Making, Pass 2011 – 2011 Activities and Societies: N/A New techniques, Silicone casting, architectural model making, & armature building with application of,
    silicone, glass fibre & modelling clay, inspired me to try new methods, when designing at work.
  • Solid Solutions N/A, SolidWorks, Pass 2011 – 2011 Activities and Societies: N/A Three two day taught sessions, strengthened my knowledge of SolidWorks, enabling the use of new 3D modelling methods when designing. This in turn speeds up my design process.
  • Nuova Accademia delle Belle Arti N/A, Advanced Product Design, Pass 2009 – 2009 Activities and Societies: N/A Product Design Course, teaching fast development techniques, of product concepts.
  • Bournemouth University BA Hons, Product Design, 2:1 2005 – 2009 Activities and Societies: Waterports, Skiing, Climbing At University, I designed VisAble©, an electric kettle ergonomically and technically suited to the needs of Visually Impaired or Blind Users. During development, I had insight into many different areas of product design, such as working with focus groups, conceptualisation, detail design, and prototyping. I believe I created an extremely marketable product for an overlooked market. “VisAble©” was shortlisted in the James Dyson design award.


Age: 38

Joined: January 20, 2020

Last seen: March 28, 2024

Area of Expertise


English Native or bilingual proficiency

French Limited working proficiency


Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom