Global rank:
30,768 / 94,732
Skill pts: 0
ANSYS ANSYS CFX ANSYS Fluent Abaqus CAD Design CFD Analysis COMSOL FEA FEA Simulation Engineering LS Dyna MATLAB MATLAB Programming Nonlinear FEA Programming Siemens STAR-CCM+ Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Simulation


From the design and manufacture of small industrial parts to the large company, using FEA and CFD based simulation, assisting companies from different sector and their design team to develop higher performing, safer and lower cost parts.
Through the application of simulation technology and consulting services, I try to support Industry to solve complex engineering challenges and mitigate environmental risks including structural, hydrodynamics, vibro-acoustics, thermal and fatigue.

With rich experience in computer modeling of structures and the application of linear and non-linear (implicit and explicit) finite element codes and using advanced CFD tools in coupled with FEA to precise and real-time modeling of complicated structures that experience FSI for a wide range of engineering problems, I help industrial and educational parts to overcome any problem with any level of complexity.

I have experienced with this CFD and FEA Packages:
1- Ansys
2- Abaqus
3- Ls-dyna
4- Comsol
5- Siemens Star-ccm+
6- Ansys Fluent

1- Matlab
2- Fortran
3- C++
4- Python


Age: 38

Joined: January 25, 2020


English Full professional proficiency


Stockholm, ST, United States