Barry is an experienced Mechanical Designer with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has spent 5+ years in the manufacturing industry working as a machine designer and product developer.
Some of his greatest achievements include:
The design and development of a "High Speed Shoe Sorter" for Aegis sortation. A great overview of this product can be seen at ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
He as also managed a team of engineers and technicians to design and develope a new line of roller conveyors for a startup company "Innovative Conveyance Solutions". ICS is expected to do over $5 million is sales in 2020 with this product. 2020 is the first full year of operation for ICS.
Barry has also work on designing and integrating projects for companies like Tesla, Stryker, Adient, Lear, Magna, JCI, GM, and more.
Mechanical Design and Engineer
Tekno, INC · Full-time
Nov 2017 –
7 yrs 4 mos
Cave City, KY, United States
Tekno is a leading conveyor and automation manufacturer for primarily the automotive industry. My job here was to mechanically design equipment to be built, installed, and integrated in facilities all over the world. I worked with customers on an individual project basis to design systems to fit their specific needs. After approval from the customer, I would release a drawing package to our technicians and oversee the build. I managed timelines and manage the project through install and sign-off from the customer. I used the programs AutoCAD and SolidWorks.
Manufacturing Engineer
ARC Automotive · Full-time
Aug 2013 –
Nov 2016
3 yrs 3 mos
Morgantown, KY, United States
Arc Automotive manufactures Air bags. I started as an intern and I was later hired on full time. At the time Arc had just installed new and never used before manufacturing equipment. We were the facility tasked with the responsibility of proving out the new equipment. I spent most of my time tracking downtown on each individual machine. From there I used SolidWorks to redesign tooling and machine components to reduce downtime. Most of the work was small scale, but it grew over time to designing and building a small machine to help speed up the laser welding process on a side curtain air bag.
Quality Intern
General Motors · Part-time
Jan 2013 –
Aug 2013
7 mos
Bowling Green, KY, United States
As a quality intern I was asked to develop a testing procedure for technicians to carry out on three car frames daily. The purpose was to identify reoccurring under torqued self tapping screws. With over 300 screws on the frame the previous procedure identified that some screws were under torqued, it did not identify which screws were under torqued. After implementing the new procedure I was able to narrow down where and which screws were consistently out of the torque specification. This information was relayed to the controls engineering team and the specific robots applying those screws were retaught. This solved the issue.
Western Kentucky University & University of Kentucky
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
2011 – 2016