Global rank:
32,088 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


I'm AMEEN ,as my name I'm the trustful person of my society. I have a very good skillset in design software's like Autocad and Solidworks with lots of creative ideas. In order to prove that I done a few projects for my colleagues on their conceptual projects . I am doing a B.E. Mechanical engineering in affiliated college of Anna university.


  • Design Support Engineer CADD SCHOOL · Part-time Jan 2020 – Present 5 yrs 2 mos Chennai, TN, India Actually I am doing a certification course to show up my skills with credentials . Where they make as a design supporter for their projects by seeing my creative ideas and time management.


  • DHAANISH AHMED COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING B.E. Mechanical Engineering, GENERAL, A+ 2017 – 2021 Activities and Societies: Cricket
  • CADD SCHOOL Dipl. Engineer, solid works , A 2019 – 2020 Did a value added course along with B.E and become a professional

Other experience

  • Internship Done a lots of mechanical core internships.(i.e,Honda motors, NPTI, Chennai port trust.)

Licenses & Certifications