
Design Engineering
-Solutions for Aerospace
-Medical devices
-Electronics & embedded software development
-Test benches for a multitude of industries
-Scientific equipment
-Automotive: components design

-Product formulation and feasibility
-Industrial design
-Conceptual Design & product
-Full Range industrial Prototyping:
-CFD & FEA computer simulation &

-Full-cycle Lean Manufacturing
-Batch & Test production
-Lab scale prototypes and proof-of-concept prototypes
-Design-for-manufacturing (DFM)
-Product Engineering & prototype development
-Molds development
-Metal and plastic works
-Wide range of CNC machinery


  • CEO EnCata · Full-time Jan 2013 – Present 12 yrs 1 mos undefined, Belarus EnCata is a one-stop Product Development company.

    It is a mechanical, electrical, industrial and embedded software design firm with vast R&D capabilities. EnCata provides bespoke engineering services and catalyzes ideas of our customers to result in working prototypes.
  • CEO BDC-HOLDING · Full-time Aug 2005 – Present 19 yrs 6 mos undefined, Belarus The head of the company BDC-Holding (which includes 3 units: BDС-Print, BDС-Eleсtroniсs and BDC-Air).

    During leading the company:

    -implemented lean manufacturing system
    -organized its own system of logistics and transport
    -improved quality standards (the company has received an international certificate of management and quality ISO 9001)
    -generating optimal solutions system TRIZ was implemented in the BDC-Air unit
    -the product portfolio of the company increased by 30 units
    -the company entered the international market and now its production is used on a variety of enterprises all over CIS and Europe.


  • Belarusian State University BA , Optics, Physics 2002 – 2007

Joined: April 8, 2020


Minsk, Minsk, Belarus