Global rank:
32,576 / 95,521
Skill pts: 0


  • R & D Engineer WilliamsWarn · Part-time Nov 2017 – Mar 2018 4 mos undefined, New Zealand I was a part of the Research and Design engineering team, where we generated and developed ideas and products. I learnt to think outside of the box and communicate these ideas with different people and clients.
    All innovation was documented to a high standard and all engineering drawings were completed with accuracy and precision.

    I believe this experience would help a role as a freelance CAD designer, as I for most of the projects I was the sole engineer and so had to manage the project from concept to the prototyping stage with occasional advice from the senior engineer.


  • University of Canterbury BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS, Mechanical Engineering, 2.1 2015 – 2019 Activities and Societies: University of Canterbury Engineering Society Shop Manager Golf Cricket Skiing


Joined: April 29, 2020


English Native or bilingual proficiency


United Kingdom