Global rank:
32,741 / 94,342
Skill pts: 0


Skills- Sketcher, Part Modelling, Boolean Operation, Assembly Design, Drafting, Surfacing, Creating parametric model of seating system.

Education- Bachelor of Engineering with 7.69 CGPA.

Design and manufacturing of RAM type Electro Discharge Machine (BE Project).
To design a Special Purpose Electro Discharge Machine for a company application.

Prototype Concentrating Solar Dryer (Diploma project).
To dry or remove the moisture from the vegetables using solar energy. So that it can be preserved for a year.


  • Intern at Quality Management KSB Pump · Internship Aug 2019 – Sep 2019 1 mos Pune, MH, India a) Implementation of the ‘3S’.
    b) Overview of the System Application and Product (SAP).
    c) Inspection of the incoming material in the organization.


  • RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering Bachelors Degree, Mechanical Engineering 2016 – 2019 Activities and Societies: 1) Participated in two-wheeler maintenance workshop. 2) Head of the publicity department in MESA (2017).

Joined: May 8, 2020


English Elementary proficiency

Marathi Elementary proficiency


Pune, Maharashtra, India