Global rank:
34,654 / 95,291
Skill pts: 0


1) I have completed the training course of the FInite Element Modelling using Hypermesh software.
2) Along with that I also have proficiency in the Catia v5 designing software and analysis software Ansys.


  • Graduate Engineer Trainee Supreme Autoshell Pvt Ltd · Internship May 2019 – Jun 2019 1 mos Nashik, MH, India I have done that internship as a overall training of all the fields involved in processing. That means I experienced the practical exposure to whole processing and concepts they had used. The theoretical knowledge which was gained from my course of mechanical , I practically studied and understood in that company. And also analysed the real industrial problems.


  • D.Y.Patil College of engineering Akurdi, Pune Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering , MECHANICAL , 8.4 S.G.P.A 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: 1) I have played cricket and carrom during my course of Mechanical. I have won the intracollege carrom competition And also came runner up in the Cricket Competition twice in my degree.


Joined: August 2, 2020


English Limited working proficiency

Marathi Native or bilingual proficiency


Pune, Maharashtra, India