Global rank:
34,678 / 92,758
Skill pts: 0


By nature, I am sociable, dynamic, serious and curious, I maintain excellent contact with others and I never stop wanting to learn


  • Mechancial Design Engineer Yamaichi electronics · Full-time Nov 2019 – Present 5 yrs 2 mos Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia I work within the Test Solution Team my main tasks are:
    Design electromechanical test contactors.
    Design various types of Sockets for different packages
    Generate preliminary drawings for customers
    Generate detailed 3D and drawings for production.
    Monitor the industrialization of the products designed.
    Check and validate the quality of the finished products.
    Investigate functionality and production errors.
    Simulate Worst cases scénarios
    Manage projects by PDM, Planta and GenesisWorld
  • Methods Engineer valeo · Full-time Feb 2019 – Aug 2019 6 mos Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia My job is to improve a pad printing line
    The stakes on this line are multiple.Many different formats are produced on this line:
    they are in number4.
    It's a line that produces 225 pieces per hour of production.
    In addition, there are regular occurrences of production related to the recency of the
    line :
    -Starting of the line is less efficient than expected, which generated delays in
    -Documentation to create: it takes time, it still lacks mode operating procedures
    (even if the majority of the necessary documents are formalized)
    -Training the teams to finalize because there are a lot of turnover between the lines
    of conditioning
    -3D design of a new drying method: Currently it is done manually by using a dryer
    and per piece which is time consuming and not fully effective.
    -Installation of lean SMED tool to improve the time of changes of series.
    -Create a solution to increase the safety and ergonomics of the operators.
    -Set up a Lay-out and a clean and respectful environment working conditions

Joined: August 8, 2020


English Full professional proficiency

