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1. Experimental Comparison and Performance Analysis for Hydrodynamic Journal
Bearing using various Viscous Fluids.
Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing commonly used in large turbines, generators,
compressors, gearboxes and pumps in the power generation and oil, gas and chemical
processing industries.
Oil is the main component of bearing which sustain pressure as well as temperature of
bearings. This test rig analyze different oils for given temperature and pressure and
provide optimum results. This test rig improves the life of bearing and reduces cost by
comparing and analyzing different fluids.
Software used: Pro-E, Matlab
2. Wet cloth twister:
It’s difficult for old and physically weak peoples to twist clothes. This products reduces
twisting efforts and muscle pain.
Software used: Unigraphics Nx
3. I Card Pin clamping fixture for riveting machine.
It’s very difficult to insert spring and pin mechanism in I card pin manually. The spring
and pin inserted by arrangement of toggle clamp mechanism and fixture.
Software used: Solid Edge
4. Electric Tri-cycle with Gear Transmission.
This Electric Tri-cycle basically use for public transportation, material handling in
industry. Electrical Tri-cycle operated both mechanically and electrically. This tri-cycle
contribute major role in reducing pollution.
Technologies used: BLDC motor, Gear Transmission Mechanism.


  • CAD Tutor Technocad · Part-time Feb 2018 – Present 7 yrs 1 mos Nashik, MH, India Teach CAD software such as Siemens NX, Solid Edge, Solid Works, AutoCAD.
  • Junior Design Engineer Orbital system Bombay Pvt Ltd · Full-time Jul 2016 – Feb 2018 1 yrs 7 mos Nashik, MH, India Tool and fixtures design for riveting machine.
    Software: Solid Edge, AutoCAD


  • Pune Univercity India Batchelor of Engineering , Mechanical engineering , First class with distinction 2013 – 2016

Other experience

  • Industrial designer