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34,681 / 84,881
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  • Mechanical Design Engineer Garrett · Full-time Mar 2018 – Present 6 yrs 6 mos Mexicali, B.C., Mexico Design and create 3D models and 2D drawings of Heat Exchanger products to meet customer needs, product quality, manufacturability, new product development needs, prototype builds and test hardware
  • University Subject Teacher Cetys Universidad Escuela de Ingenieria · Part-time Aug 2017 – Aug 2019 2 yrs Mexicali, B.C., Mexico • Automotive Conceptual Design
    • Automotive Prototype Generation
    • Materials Engineering
    • Advisor Teacher for AERO & BAJA SAE Competitions.
  • Co-founder and Director ABSOLUTE FITNESS STORE-STRUCTURES · Self-employed Jun 2016 – Dec 2018 2 yrs 6 mos Mexicali, B.C., Mexico The Fitness Store branch operates selling supplements and Gym accesories. Buying with US suppliers and selling local in Mexico Dealing directly with the customer when making sales.
    The Fitness Structures branch operates locally manufacturing standard and custom structures for gyms and particular clients.
    All structures are 3D modeled, structural analyzed when required, 2D drafted. Focusing always in manufacturability, cost saving and quality.
  • Design Engineer United Technologies Corporation · Full-time Aug 2013 – Aug 2016 3 yrs Mexicali, B.C., Mexico Clash Check analysis; Detailed report which contains detection of components with relatively close clearance to each other within same subassemblies (CATIA) to determine potential clashes dur-ing operation.
    StackUp Tolerances analysis; Once close clearances are detected,(PATRAN) relative displacement between nodes within the FEM are obtained so minimum and maximum gap can be calculated and de-termine wheter is a relevant instance or not .
    Digital Mockup; Create lighter 3D models without features, required to share files with external providers.

Joined: August 23, 2020


Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico