Application Engineer
Smith Pump Company · Full-time
Jun 2023 –
1 yrs 6 mos Houston, TX, United States
Work with engineers, contractors, and property managers to:
- Properly spec out pumps and motors for a variety of
- Assist in designing piping layouts, pump mounting solutions,
and lift stations.
- Prepare bids for cities, municipalities, and contractors
- Work closely with OEMs and outside salesmen to give
customers the best experience possible.
Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Trane Technologies · Full-time
Jan 2022 –
Aug 2022
7 mos Tyler, TX, United States
- Designed and built a PLC controlled adhesive distribution system
- Contracted local 3rd party integrators to design and implement controls
- Redesigned assembly line components in Solidworks to keep production running
- Managed aspects of new $300K machine installation, each machine weighing over 2000lbs
- Worked with suppliers and contractors to provide over $100K in goods and services to the plant
Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Trane Technologies · Full-time
Jan 2021 –
Aug 2021
7 mos Tyler, TX, United States
Worked in a factory environment requiring close and constant collaboration with union hourly personnel, engineers, and production managers.
- Introduced and integrated Vorne OEE tracking system into the plant
- Assisted with large scale transformation following a catastrophic building collapse
- Conducted material trials with aluminum “tape” and aqueous adhesive
- Built production schedules in Excel VBA improving part delivery time to the assembly lines in the
- Wrote, filmed, and edited a video presentation describing OEE and its effects with a team. Video
was presented to the board of directors
Rochester Institute of Technology
Mechanic Engineer, Mechancial Engineering- Automotive
2018 – 2023