Global rank:
552 / 94,106
Skill pts: 72


We help clients to create the product they have in mind. To do this, we first want to get to know our client and understand how to turn their ideas into innovative and beautiful products. We will continue to produce ideas until we find the right one which will then be developed further and transformed into a prototype.
See our portfolio at:

Our expertise is:

Concept generation
Form development
3D modelling: Surfaces and Solid
Design for Manufacture

What we have done:

Giving client multiple concept options to chose from
3D modelling of home and industrial appliances
Mock ups and prototyping of client's product
Prototyping and Design for Manufacture for Kickstarter campaigns


  • Polytechnic of Milan Bachelors, Industrial Design 2009 graduation

Joined: January 21, 2015

Area of Expertise