Global rank:
12,600 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


 12 years of experience in Automotive domain
 2 year of experience in SPM’s.
 Vehicle Packaging study using Digital Buck/ Vismockup to design the Under hood subsystem parts.
 Designing the components for the Under hood Sub-system especially Power train system which includes Air Intake System, Engine Cooling System, Engine Sealing Subsystem and NVH.
 Creation of complex Solid & Surface models, Assembly & Drafting of Power train components, NVH Products.
 Conversion of the models from other CAD modeling software to CATIA V5/PRO-E/UG.


  • VVSPHS BE, MECHANICAL 1996 graduation

Age: 49

Joined: January 27, 2015

Area of Expertise


Bangalore, Karnataka, India