Global rank:
38,474 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0


I work as an R&D Engineer in Hyundai Mobis since 2.5 years in CAE dept. I have skilled industrial experience and sound Engineering background which I can put use to deliver qualitative work within the agreed timeframe. I strive to work flexibly with my partners and center my focus upto the client's satisfaction.

My expertise is CAD, CAE and Product design which I got skilled during my Engineering and Industrial experience.

My other supplementary skills are C, tcl/tk, MS Office.


  • R & D Engineer Hyundai Motor Group · Full-time Jul 2018 – Present 6 yrs 8 mos Hyderabad, Telangana, India I work as an R&D Engineer in NVH group dealing with automobile brake and steering systems related to vehicle vibration and acoustic studies.


  • Vasavi college of engineering B . E, M.Eng. Mechanical, 91% 2014 – 2018