Global rank:
38,983 / 95,291
Skill pts: 0
3D Analysis and Design AutoCAD Bentley Limcon 3.63 Bentley RAM Connection 11.1 CAD Design Concise Beam CSi ETABS (all versions) CSi Safe (all versions) CSi SAP2000 (all versions) Design Calculation Reinforced Concrete Design Reinforced Concrete Detailing SAP2000 Steel Design Steel Design & Detailing Structural Analysis Structural CAD Structural Calculations Structural Design and Analysis Structural Drafting


In my 17 years of work in design of concrete structures and steel structures I gained great experience in huge variety of structures including small structures upto mega structures.

I design using several international codes and standards such as ; american codes ,British standards.

One of my projects entered Guinness world record as the the largest of its king in the world (multi-story steel structure)

my designs meet professional level in quality in addition to; accurate design calculations, fast work, on-time design delivery


  • Director of Structural Engineering - head of department Engineering Consultant firm · Full-time Mar 2013 – Feb 2018 4 yrs 11 mos Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait


  • Ain shams univeristy B.Sc, Civil Engineering - Structural department 1999 – 2003

Other experience

  • AutoCAD drafting for my structural designs In some projects, I use AutoCAD to draft my designs by myself to grantee accurate design output and details ,as I am expert in using AutoCAD.