Global rank:
40,086 / 95,843
Skill pts: 0


  • Structual Engineer Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology · Freelance Jan 2016 – Present 9 yrs 2 mos undefined, Kenya Hi, I am Adams Ngao. Thanks for visiting my profile. I'm an enthusiastic structural engineer with over five years off experience.
    I love challenging myself and working on new projects help I improving my skillset and experience into succeeding them.
    My list of skills are using AutoCAD for structural analysis.


  • Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology Structural Engineering Certificate, Civil Egineering, CREDIT 2015 – 2019 Activities and Societies: I have served as Clerk in IEBC at Machakos County. I have also done field works serving as a surveyor, road inspector at Kenya rural roads authority. Hi, I am Adams Ngao. Thanks for visiting my profile. I'm an enthusiastic structural engineer with over five years off experience.
    I love challenging myself and working on new projects help I improving my skillset and experience into succeeding them.
    My list of skills are using AutoCAD for structural analysis.


Joined: April 8, 2021


Nairobi, Nairobi Area, Kenya