Global rank:
40,912 / 95,372
Skill pts: 0


My name is Ryan Stewart, I went to school for art fundaments and animation. I am starting my own business. Through my business I am offering animation/graphic design related projects to different clients on a contractual basis. I focus mainly on feature films, television programs, videos, advertisements, computer games, websites, instructional videos and am always open to working on new kinds of projects that fit my education. I am solely behind the business, and combine my skillset with the customers goals to create accurate, detailed visuals.


  • Video editing and animation break out saint john · Full-time Nov 2020 – Apr 2021 5 mos Saint John, NB, Canada I edited videos and made animations for the company as well as edit photos.


  • Atlantica College No degree, 3D Animation, post secondary 2016 – 2018 Learned how to uses different programs like adobe programs maya and zbrush, Character design, rigging and modeling, animation basics and more.
  • NBCC No degree, Art fundamentals , post secondary 2013 – 2014 The class had a little bit of everything to do with art starting with the basics.
  • Saint John High School High School diploma, High School , grade 12 2009 – 2013 Activities and Societies: Art club, guitar club, GSA alliance High school


Joined: May 10, 2021

