Global rank:
41,186 / 94,745
Skill pts: 0


  • Graduate Apprentice Trainee Bharat Electronics Limited · Apprenticeship Feb 2020 – Apr 2021 1 yrs 2 mos Bengaluru, KA, India  Supporting Design team by creating 3D models and drafting of Electro-Mechanical components.
     Creating 3D model from 2D drawing in CAD Software for proto-type samples & preparing development drawing for sheet metal jobs.
     Creating support structure for the parts to be 3D printed using Materialise Magics software for Metal jobs and Insight software for Plastic jobs.
     Modeling and drafting of Jigs and fixture for reducing cycle time in the production process with the QC circle members.  Monitor the execution of production plan and maintaining reports for production planning activities and sequences.
     Creating BOM, Production order, ECR and other works in SAP.
     Verifying the drawing and operations to be performed for manufacturing the product and following up until completion.
     Creating notifications for calibration of measuring equipment and gauges in SAP.
     As a member of QC circle we gave presentations in the Quality month of 2020.


  • Global Academy of Technology BACHELER OF ENGINEERING, Mechanal Engineering, 8.14 CGPA 2015 – 2019


Joined: May 18, 2021


English Full professional proficiency

Kannada Full professional proficiency

Hindi Limited working proficiency


Bengaluru, Karnataka, India