Global rank:
42,459 / 96,271
Skill pts: 0
2D Drawing AutoCAD Bentley SACS Offshore Structure 11.2 CAD Design CSi SAP2000 Fatigue Analysis GRLWEAP Layout Design Lifting Analysis Material Selection Material Specification Material Take Off Engineering Ocean Engineering Pile Design Seismic Design Services Structural Analysis Structural Calculations Structural Design


8 years of professional experience of direct involvement on various international oil & gas projects spread across tender, design, fabrication, construction, and installation phase. Solution-oriented with strong analytical skills.


  • Institut Teknologi Bandung Bachelor of Science, Ocean Engineering, 3.05 2008 – 2012

Other experience

  • Structural Design and Drafting Hand calculation of miscellaneous designs such as lifting lugs, padeyes, stiffeners, local check on beams, transportation supports on barge, etc.
  • Pile Drivability Analysis Prediction on blowcounts and internal stresses according to international codes during offshore piling based on supplied soil data and piling equipment used
  • Structural Analysis Structural analysis of offshore platforms during pre-service and in-service, including but not limited to :
    - In-place Analysis
    - Seismic Analysis
    - Fatigue Analysis
    - Boat Impact Analysis
    - Lifting Analysis
    - Loadout Analysis
    - Transportation Analysis
    - On-Bottom Stability Analysis