Global rank:
42,914 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0
CAD Design Conceptual Design Parking Design Roads Design and Engineering Traffic Control Design Transportation Engineering


We provide expert Traffic and transportation planning and design services for many land developers and architect offices.

We provide consulting services for the following:

- Planning of traffic regulation - planning of traffic regulation for an urban streets system - planning of intersections/traffic circles and traffic lights. The plans are provided on the master plan and town planning level as well as detailed execution planning.

· Planning and designing multi-use, mixed-use and multi-modal parking facilities

· Site analysis and conceptual design studies

· Traffic flow and functional design

· Parking layout, circulation and ramp design

· Automated parking design

· Traffic Signage and wayfinding designe


  • Engineer B.T.E TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING LTD · Self-employed Jan 1999 – Present 26 yrs 2 mos undefined, Israel


  • Technion Israel Institute of technology Bsc, Highway, Transportation and Traffic Engineering 1994 – 1998


Joined: August 1, 2021


Arabic Native or bilingual proficiency

Hebrew Full professional proficiency

English Professional working proficiency


Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel