Global rank:
43,087 / 95,532
Skill pts: 0


Every time someone tells me I can't, I push myself more than ever before and make it happen. I love having huge goals and love even more to work extremely hard to achieve those goals. I am proactive, objective-oriented and focused on a sustainable strategy. Every challenge I face, I take as an expansion of experience and try to apply the knowledge in the next one. Work and competition keep me sane.

I was considered an engineering nerd ever since I was a child as I used to break open my toys and tried to make cars, fans, boats on my own using the motors, wires I found inside. This passion never died; seeing my own projects run in life gives me genuine happiness and inspires me even more to become a Mechanical Engineer.

However, when I was in high school, I didn't like to talk too much unless it was necessary. People around me took that to be a weakness and indicated that I lacked leadership qualities. I proved them wrong by working on my leadership skills and becoming a form leader of my class and appointed class representative of Ideal College, Dhanmondi batch 2015. I also joined Rotary Social Services Club as a member and partook in social service activities. I volunteered in science and innovation festivals. For the last 2 years, I'm the president of the UniMAP IMechE Student chapter.

I'm currently a senior pursuing a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering.


  • Intern Intern at Motorsports Technology Research Unit (MOTECH), UniMAP · Internship Jun 2020 – Sep 2020 3 mos undefined, Perlis, Malaysia


  • Universiti Malaysia Perlis Mechanical engeenering, Biomechanics 2017 – 2021 Activities and Societies: Public Relation Person of International Student Club UniMAP (ISCU), President at UniMAP Student Chapter of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, IMechE, Woodball, Badminton


Joined: August 7, 2021


English Full professional proficiency

Bengali (Bangla) Native or bilingual proficiency

Hindi Professional working proficiency

Malay Limited working proficiency

German Elementary proficiency


Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia