Global rank:
13,664 / 95,460
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I have also been a freelance writer for approximately 8 years now so far to date. But, recently I have written many different article pieces including many other types of articles too. Many of which were mainly poetry, short stories, fiction,non-fiction,web content for blogs and many other websites. I have also written for online magazines and newspapers like these here listed below: Hub Pages, Helium, Text Broker, Info Barrel, Triond, Xomba, Seed, Fire How, Knol Google, ListMyFive, Freelanced, Associated Content, Story Mash, Squidoo as well....

I truly love to write especially since a real long time ago I had used to write poetry in rhyming format,which then had lead me into writing more frequently in many different areas like writing music lyrics for some well known and famous country music stars. From there I continued to write short stories for kids to read. After that I simply backed off from doing all of that for a while so I could start to write a book manuscript and later get it published with one of the well-known book publisher out there today. Soon after that I thought if I was to keep writing I could most definitely produce a masterpiece that was good enough to later become a box office hit in a major movie someday.

I have presently done some copy writing,editing, proof reading & much more too as well. Just to keep busy now days in today's society.....


  • Parkland College Bachelor's degree & Associate's degree...., Information Technology, Small Business Management & Administration 1992 graduation