
I can do everything else I have mentioned and am very proficient with the software that I do have. Unfortunately, my 3-D modelling expeirence is very limited and I no loner have the AutoCAD design tools that I had access to 20 years ago.

I joined the community here to find people that can assist me with designing the 3-D models and STLs that I am wanting to do , whicht would accompany my litterary works and the 2-D designs I have created for them.

I can either do projects on a "work for hire" basis or as collaborations and/or joint ventures.


  • Product Manager / Designer / Artist / Publisher TCR Enterprises / CVM Enterprises · Self-employed Jan 2015 – Present 10 yrs 2 mos Windermere, FL, United States I have been an part-time independant self-publisher of books, guides and supplements for Role-Playing Games since 1982. I have done all of the writing, formatting, design and graphics and illustrated all items within.

    Recently, I decided to re-launch my earlier works for Role-Playing Games, which have been re-worked and revised to be adaptable with the current RPG industry's games and supplementary material. We've brought everything up to the current standards for that industry (i.e. D&D 5e) and have taken advantage of the newer technologiges that were not available back in the 1980s
  • Writer / Designer and Artist GameMaster Guides / Products of the Multiverse · Self-employed Apr 1980 – Sep 1993 13 yrs 5 mos Lynchburg, VA, United States My original books for Role-Playing Games included:
    Monsters, Aliens and Fantastic Beings (©1982)
    Exotic Characters and Worlds for Role Playing Games (©1983); Heaven and Hell for Role-Playing Games (Role Playing Supplement - Vol. IV), (©1984)...
    and this newly revised text:
    ‘Dragons throughout the Multiverse’, (©1984, ©1992, and ©2022) - All Rights Reserved ®.
  • Game Master / Play-Tester TCR Enterprises · Self-employed Apr 1978 – Dec 1980 2 yrs 8 mos Trinidad, CO, United States From my late teen years to early adulthood, I avidly played the more popular board games and discovered Role-Playing Games. I enjoyed the versatility and unlimited possibilities that these games had potential for. Unfortunately, the rules and guides that were available at the time had either limitations to a proposed "unlimited" game system or simply lacked the published information needed to expand on the basic system of gameplay.

    This is where I started writing... not only storylines but the rule sets needed to make them compatible in the game along with data on the new creatures that were introduced in these stories.


  • Valencia Junior College Certificate(s), Fire Engineer / Fire Officer Training / Fire Science, A+ 1989 – 1992
  • Lake County VoTech Certificate, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), A+ 1987 – 1988
  • Central Florida Fire Academy Cerficate, Firefighting, A++ 1986 – 1987
  • Trinidad State Junior College (Trinidad, Colorado) Associate of Arts (A.A.), Fine and Applied Arts (Major) Education/Psychology (Minor), B 1978 – 1981
  • Art Center College of Design (Pasanena, CA) Certificate, Graphic Arts, A 1977 – 1978


Joined: September 2, 2021