Global rank:
44,735 / 94,659
Skill pts: 0


At my vocational school I choose to do Computer Aided Design. In this class I learned how to use programs such as AutoCad, Solidworks and Revit. At the vocation school we entered an architecture competition every year and I won award my junior year. When I got to college I decided to study business management as my major. But I still stayed in the art world a lot. Early on in my college career I decided to pick up an art minor and a digital media minor. With these classes I learned programs such as Fusion 360, Photoshop, Adobe XD and InDesign. Also in my college career I helped make an entire new major at my college. My professor and I made the program and called it product design. It is something that took a long time and I'm glad to see it as a major at Davis and Elkins College. Lastly while I was in College I opened up a furniture business. I sell on Etsy my store name is Finneyture. On top of all of this I am an athlete at Davis and Elkins College.


Joined: October 21, 2021


Elkins, WV, United States