Designer on Solidworks for more than 5 years, I designee sheet metals as creative products and revering engineering as well ,I rendering an engineering products videos with high quality, currently I'm supervisor engineering Sheetmetal products for 2 years, and following manufacturing process (laser cutting, bending, piercing ,assembly ) , I'm leading (Tachyons team) that design a human power vehicle, I can solve problems with complex parts designing to easy manufacturing it and visualizes it with high-quality images, videos and rendered it as a professional
3D Models
Supervisor Designer ,and Sheetmetal product's developer
Rankocool for refrigeration equipment · Full-time
Dec 2022 –
2 yrs 3 mos
Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
designer engineering for condensers and evaporators products
Leader Technical team
TACHYONS(HPV) · Part-time
Aug 2021 –
3 yrs 7 mos
Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Tachyons is an Engineering design team From Alexandria University in Egypt that is embracing and developing the concept of HPV (Human Powered Vehicles ), the team was founded in 2016.
Sheetmetal & laser cutting engineering
ALahmadia-for steel process and trading · Full-time
Dec 2021 –
Nov 2022
11 mos
Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Sheetmetal & laser cutting engineering for all Sheetmetal products ( aluminum, stainless steel , steel,.....),a revising engineering and designer from scratch
Alexadria university
Bacalor of mechanical engineering, Mechaical Engineering, 2.5
2016 – 2022
Activities and Societies:
HPV- human power vehicle designs