I am a Site In charge with 1.5 years of experience specializing in interior & construction. I’m organized and detail- oriented, work well under pressure and deadlines, enjoy...
I have studied and practiced architecture for almost 10 years. I’ve learned and practiced for a very long time, I have had the opportunity to work with skillful people in my...
I'm civil engineer can design residential houses and provide Architectural floor plans, Elevations etc., complete drawings, 3D modelling and providing rendered 3D elevation.
Visionary | Positive | Perfectionist
Delivering quality work is the motto. No matter how small or big the task is.
Friendly, and dare to finish attitude. Have being in...
Passionate about interior design and architecture, I like to design spaces where people feels comfortable and cosy, at home. I have a strong sense of duty and I am full of...
Architect specializing in interior, urban, and housing design. Proficient in all project phases with a strong focus on 3D design. Committed to creating innovative and functional...
I am an Architect working on creating highly photorealistic 3D renderings.
Give me a 3D model, an AutoCAD layout, or simply a sketch and I will take time to build every detail...