As a skilled mechanical design engineer with expertise in CAD and drafting, I bring a wealth of experience in creating innovative solutions for complex engineering challenges....
Mechanical Engineer with Custom Design & Inventor Experience
United States
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
- Versatile with Inventor, SolidWorks, CREO.
- Responsible for multiple electro-mechanical products such as
Mechanical Engineering/3D Modeling and Documentation/SolidWorks
United States
Upon graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno in the spring of 2006, I had already completed a 2 year internship at International Game Technology to which I started a full...
We use the latest software, integrate the latest technologies for all the product designs, and detail the preparation of the manufacturing, and assembly prototype. we have 9...
- Certified SOLIDWORKS 2020 Associate, MATLAB, AUTOCAD, and Microsoft Office proficient.
- Undergraduate Mechanical Engineer at the University of Florida and 3D Modeling...
Innovation engineer developing Electro-mechanical products for functional prototyping and industrial manufacturing. Leading product design from High-level requirements to...