My name is Dimas Wahyu Pambudi, a mechanical engineering and industrial automation designer. I am an expert in CAD, CAM, CAE based mechanics using SolidWorks, Inventor, AutoCad,... - Industry Focused 2D Drafting & 3D Modeling Solutions
I own and operate a small business called 'CAD' Drafting Services. I started out in 1997 by catering to a multitude of industries from the large, well established multi-national...
I am Mechanical Design engineer. I have expertise over following software's:
Solid works, Auto Cad, Catia, NX-CAD, Google sketch Up, Auto desk, Revit, Inventor, And keyshot....
I've been drafting since 2011. My first job was running AutoCAD for a landscape architect at 15 years old. During my high school career I was taught how to use AutoCAD,...