Mechanical Drafting, 3D Modeling & Autodesk Inventor Guru
Currently i have more than 3 years of working experience in automobile industry.I have been proficient in working of part modeling , assembly, sheet metal and drafting in...
Mechanical Animation, 3D Modeling & Autodesk Inventor Professional
Cape Town,
South Africa
Have been in the Steel construction industry for 5 years and always had the curiosity to design in 3D, thats when I discovered I actually have a talent to come up with solutions...
CAD Drafting, Autodesk Inventor & 3D Design Professional
United States
I am an Aerospace Engineer who loves doing 3D cad drafting and design work. I have been doing drafting/design projects for over ten years primarily for commercial and military...
Industrial Design, Open Innovation & Autodesk Inventor Expert
Moch. Iqbal Firdausi born on Jember Dec 14th 96 is a college student of Institut teknolgi Sepuluh November Surabaya. First son from marriage of Jupriadi and Sukriyatul Hasanah...
3D Animation, Autodesk Inventor & Mechanical Drafting Specialist
United Kingdom
As an Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (AM IMechE) I am studying towards becoming an Incorporated Engineer in hope of gaining a recognised IEng...
I am a graduated mechanical engineer, I have experience in development of machine's and component's design, and in machine maintenance and projetcs management. I have worked...