Blog Post
How 3D CAD & CAM Have Changed New Product Design
prefer to initiate their product design with pencil to paper, the majority operate with CAD. After testing a few of the concepts using CAD and drawing them out, product designers will move onto prototyping
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7 Benefits of Additive Manufacturing for Product Design & Development
were lucky, you could create a prototype or two through traditional methods. This was not the best testing process and resulted in many products hitting the market before they were ready. 3D printing gives
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7 Steps of the Engineering Design Process Used by Freelance Engineers & Companies
machines, tools, manufacturing processes, or complex apparatus systems utilized to achieve specific functions. Engineering without science is haphazard, but at the same time, science without engineering becomes
CAD design
CAD Engineers
engineering design
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10 Tips on How To Find the Best Prototype Engineering Firm Services
interaction with the products, styling, and ergonomics while the client deals with the performance functions and technical production. These design services are most suitable for those finished products that
Engieering Firm
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A Freelance Prototype Designer’s Guide to Plastics for Product Design
Properties of Plastics and How to Select Them Tensile Strength I’m sure you’ve all seen a tensile testing machine. You place a sample into clamps between two vertical pulleys that separate slowly, eventually
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7 Tips for Marketing Your New Product Launch
exaggeration and superlatives as long as everything is based on facts. An objective approach to testing and re-evaluating the new product plays a deciding factor in determining the success (or failure)
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Everything You Need to Know about PLM Services
designers can modify and test the changes made to the design more easily with CAD software. Product testing can be performed via virtual simulation, or real-world trial runs to figure out potential defects
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How Does Product Prototyping with 3D Modeling Help Grow Sales and Save R&D Money?
selling, but you want to re-design an assembly within the product that drives one of its primary functions. By using a 3D modeling design service, you can manipulate factors like the size of each component
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Top 11 Brilliant Inventions Discovered by Accident
killed them all. During the weeks that followed, Fleming grew enough of the same mold to do more testing. He was convinced that something in the mold inhibited and killed the bacteria, but he was not sure