Video Camera stanchion
The station must be design to hold 2ea, VIdeo Cameras see attached STEP file.
• Lens must be oriented parallel to the ground
• Distance off the ground = 40” +/- 1”
• Glass in the camera window must not distort or dim the image
• Cable will exist the camera body on the right side when facing the camera lens for both the right- and left-hand golfer
• The stanchion must protect the video cameras from a direct impact of a golf ball and a person hitting the stanchion with a golf club
• The station must provide a way to be securely affixed to the floor and provide protection from the weather.
• The USB cable must exit the stanchion at the bottom and have proper strain-relief.
• Design must complement the attached Feedback Colors and incorporate the vCoach powered by FeedbacK logo.
3D Advertising Pylon with Smart Trash & Recycle Bin
We need Advertising Pylon (LED Screen / Poster) with Smart Trash & Recycle Bin.
We are looking for aesthetic & ornamental design.
We need advertising Pylon have Base + Advertising Space (LED Screen / Poster) + Title Space + Crown.
We would like to see Crown design should be more elegant, aesthetic look & ornamental design.
We prefer little Contemporary Islamic design for the Crown. Any other suggestions also welcome.
We need space for Logo & Text (Gold Material) on the top of Pylon, below the Crown.
Advertising Space could be Flat or Curved LED Screen / Poster design.
Top of Recycle Bin space utilize for Advertising Purpose.
Attached images for your reference for 3D Pylon – LED Screen with Smart Trash & Recycle Bin.
3-wheel Portable Scooter
I am impressed with results of the previous kick scooter challenge and invite all to a similar contest.
• A convenient and appealing form of local transportation for adults
• Artistic renderings of concept and drawings of your final rendering
• May communicate more wants during contest to aid overall direction and to keep opportunity available to all
Contest is for 3-wheeled scooter designs (2-front, 1 rear - steering can be with either front wheels or rear wheel)
Main Competitors:
Skateboard Rubber Wheel Stoppers
Looking for help with a redesign for skateboard wheel stoppers. These skateboard wheel stoppers prevent the wheels on the skateboard from rolling when practicing tricks.
These are rubber pieces that can be slipped on skateboard wheels to stop them from rolling while learning ollies, kickflips and other skateboarding tricks. More information about it can be found here:
Control-box with display, fitting on a DIN rail
This is about a first product draft, which shall later be turned into a production ready design.
I need an enclosure for a custom made electronic part. The rough form-factor should be similar to a navigation system (see attached files) with a display in front and parallel enclosure boundaries, slightly rounded edges.
The display is 4.3 inches wide (see technical details attached) and should be included in the rendering. The enclosure should be 4 cm deep.
As a bonus, the display shows attached bar diagram.
At the back, there should be the possibility for a DIN rail mount, top hat rail EN 50022 – 35 × 7.5
but also for direct wall mount using screws or mounting to a bar with cable ties.
At the front left side of the enclosure, I need a C14 inlet to add a power cable and a Schuko socket: or CEE 7/3 socket. See attached figure of the design.
The material should be dark grey with a bit reflective surface. Please add our logo to the upper left corner of the front, below the display. If it fits optically, it could glow a bit in green.