Hire the best freelance Injection Molded Parts Design expert designers for your company

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US Army Corps of Engineers

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CDS $65/hr

Jim O.

Injection Molded Parts Design Professional

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • GD&T Drawing
  • Detailing
  • Machining
  • CAD Design
  • 3D Piping Design
  • Casting
  • Automotive Design
  • Surfacing
  • Drafting
  • 2D & 3D Modeling
  • 2D & 3D Design
  • Injection Molded Parts Design
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • 3D Mechanical Design
  • Conveyor Design & Automation
  • Aerospace Design
  • 2D & 3D Drafting
  • 2D and 3D Mechanical Drafting
  • Autodesk Showcase
  • 2D and 3D Solid Modeling
  • Team Management
  • Consumer Goods
  • 3D Model & 2D Drawings
  • 3D Sheet Metal Design
  • 3D Wire
  • GD&T Instruction
  • Nuclear Power Generation
  • Plastic Extrusion
  • Power Generation
  • Project Leadership
  • Software Installation
  • Solar Power
  • Steam Turbine Design
  • Stirling Cycle
  • Turbine Air Compressors
  • AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Inventor
  • AutoCAD Mechanical
  • Autodesk Vault
  • Autodesk Vault Professional

Last updated: Mar 4, 2025

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We review your design and connect you with a vetted designer.
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Securely pay for work with fixed-rate or hourly services.
Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Injection Molded Parts Design Professionals

When you want only the best injection molded parts designers, Cad Crowd is the place to turn to. We will put our resources to good use to help you find an injection molded parts designer who has the skills and expertise to carry out your requests. Here at Cad Crowd, we take pride in vetting our freelancers so they are prequalified to do the job exactly as you want it. Finding a freelancer online can be a daunting prospect, but we aim to eliminate that fear by connecting you with a top-ranking freelance injection molded parts designer from our community.

Injection molding is the go-to method for producing high volumes of plastic parts. And should you need a rapid delivery of low volume parts, you can trust our injection molded parts design freelancers to create the design for the components you need and deliver them on time. It doesn't matter if you need a design for bottle caps, containers, or electronic housings, we are confident in the ability of the members of our community to deliver in a manner that meets or even exceeds your expectations. 

You may have an idea of a plastic part you want to produce, but don't know whether it can be made or not. With our help, you can get the injection molded parts design services you need. Simply let us know the details of your project and we will find the right match for you from the vetted members of our community of freelancers. They will work closely with you no matter the scope of your project. 

Cad Crowd is part to be a worldwide community of talented freelancers, each bringing their own skill set to every project they work on. They have experienced the pressures of working for injection molded parts design companies and as such, understand how important it is to get things right. We also understand that you need expert injection molded parts designers on your team, and you can find them here at Cad Crowd. 

When you hire injection molded parts designers from us, you are tapping into world-class talent. And with our cost-effective rates, you will be paying far less than when you hire from an injection molded parts design firm. With us, you get a high-quality injection molded parts design service at rates that won't break the bank - that is our promise. 

We understand the complexity of trying to find injection molded parts designers online. There are instances when you are not sure about their capabilities. You also want to make sure that your investment didn't go all to waste. When you work with us, you won't have to worry about these troubles. We have members of our community who are vetted injection molded parts engineers, and we can put them in touch with you. We just need to know the specifics of your project so we know which of our professional injection molded parts designers is the right match for you. 

Contact us today for a free no-obligation quote. 

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