Hire the best freelance DFM Design expert designers for your company

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US Army Corps of Engineers

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kirilld $70/hr

Kirill D.

DFM Design Professional

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Mechanical Design
  • Manufacturing Drawings
  • Machining
  • CAD Design
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • CNC Machining
  • Press Tools Design
  • DFM Design
  • Design Engineer
  • Mesh Generation
  • Lattice Design
  • GD&T Engineering
  • DFMA Costing
  • Lightweight Design
  • SolidWorks
  • Materialise Magics
  • Solid Edge
  • Autodesk Meshmixer
  • Autodesk Fusion 360
  • nTopology

Last updated: Mar 6, 2025

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Vetted design talent

We review your design and connect you with a vetted designer.
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Securely pay for work with fixed-rate or hourly services.
Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring DFM Design Professionals

With more than ten thousand members, you will find the skills and expertise needed for your project here at Cad Crowd. If you've come specifically to look for DFM design freelancers, you've definitely come to the right place. 

We can connect you with a freelancer from our membership who has been vetted. We take a close look at your requirements then match you with a top-ranking member from our community. Working with us is that simple, and that's just the way we want it to be. 

We strive to make things easy for you here at Cad Crowd. We understand that time and money is of the essence, which is why we tailor our services to ensure your needs are met. Finding a freelance designer with the right set of skills and experience is crucial to any project. This is why we take pride in the vast variety of talent that is gathered in our community. When you come calling with a specific request, all we have to do is find a pre-qualified freelancer who can carry out the complexities required of your project. 

DFM is concerned with the manufacturability of a product. Determining such during the development stage results in a lot of resources saved, most especially time and money. Our freelancers can help in getting your product manufactured. They have worked with top DFM design firms and as such, know the pressures that come with creating a product and getting it to the market. They know how to use tools needed to review designs during the development process to ensure that your product can be made. 

Mistakes happen during the entire product development process, but they are much easier to correct when found out during the earlier stages. Aided by skill, experience, and CAD tools, our freelancers know how to compare and assess to determine if your product is easy to manufacture. 

Finding such a talent is increasingly difficult, especially if you hire online. But our goal here at Cad Crowd is to ease the burden of online hiring. This is why we tailor our DFM design services to your needs. We look closely into the scope of your project and from there, determine which vetted member of our company can best help you out. 

We are extremely proud of the range of talent found in the Cad Crowd community. And you don't have to shell out exorbitant fees you would normally pay DFM design companies when working with our freelancers. High quality service for a cost-effective service fee is our promise here at Cad Crowd. 

Time and money are resources are most crucial resources and as such, we work hard to ensure none of those are wasted. We have some of the very best talent from around the world as members in our community. Our freelancers are ready to answer the challenges you throw their way, be it for a short-term project or one that runs for months. 

Get in touch with us today so we can discuss your needs.

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