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Frank M.

FMEA Designer

  • Concept Design
  • Product Development
  • Simulation
  • Advanced Surfacing
  • CAD Design
  • FMEA
  • 2D & 3D Design
  • Engineering Project Management
  • A-Class Surfacing
  • 2D & 3D Engineering Design
  • Kinetic Simulation
  • SolidWorks
  • COMSOL Multiphysics

Last updated: Mar 25, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring FMEA Designers

If you are looking for the best talent for FMEA in the world, you've come to the right place! Cad Crowd is here to connect you with world-class freelance FMEA experts ready to make the best design for your new project. Every designer you see on Cad Crowd is experienced, knowledgeable, professional, pre-trained and pre-qualified. All these things make us confident that the final results you get will not only meet but also exceed your expectations. Leave all the problems and hassles associated with online hiring aside and connect with highly-skilled professional FMEA freelancers from Cad Crowd.

FMEA or failure mode and effects analysis (also known as failure modes) is one of the earliest systematic and complex techniques for failure analysis. This technique was developed by experienced reliability engineers back in the 1950s. Their goal was to analyze the issues that might come from errors found in military systems. In many cases, an FMEA is just the first stage of a thorough system reliability study. This activity includes reviews of a large number of components, subsystems, and assemblies. Once again, the main objective is to locate possible failure modes, what causes these failure modes and how they affect the system. For every component and element, the so-called failure modes and the effects they create on the system in general, experts created records displayed in an FMEA worksheet. An FMEA is usually a qualitative analysis. However, this analysis can be placed on a quantitative foundation too.

Today, there are a few different kinds of FMEA analyses like design, functional, PFME, control plan, process FMEA etc. There are cases when FMEA is upgraded to FMECA or failure mode, effects and criticality analysis to show that criticality analysis is included too. FMEA can also be described as an inductive reasoning single point of failure analysis. 

FMEA is used in many different fields. For instance, it is used for the creation of system requirements that reduce the chances of failures making any system more reliable and successful. In addition, this specific type of analysis is used for the development of test system and designs to make sure that the possible failures have been removed or the risk is lowered to a tolerable level. 

Cad Crowd is proud of its designers that will be glad to work closely with you over the entire design process. They will provide basic product analysis in the beginning and more systematic analysis later. In the end, you will get the files that will summarize their work. FME analysis includes many different activities and our designers and experts can help you with every activity. 

The community found at Cad Crowd includes thousands of design and engineering experts that come from different countries in the world. Cad Crowd will connect you only with highly professional freelancers. They offer their talent at a fair price. Feel free to send more information about your next project. Our team of specialists will analyze your needs and they will suggest the right persons for this activity. When you need FMEA experts, you can rely on Cad Crowd.

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