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US Army Corps of Engineers

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Mental Ray Designer

  • 3D Modeling
  • CAD Assembly
  • CAD Design
  • Automotive Plastics Design
  • Automotive Design
  • Product Design
  • Product Design and Development
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • PTC Creo Parametric
  • SIMULIA Stress Engineer

Last updated: Mar 28, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Mental Ray Designers

Mental Ray rendering software is such a big deal, it was given an Academy Award for its contributions to the motion picture industry. Keeping that thought in mind, it’s easy to see why companies of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds are interested in everything Mental Ray software can bring to their projects. If you're looking for talented Mental Ray designers, you've come to the right place!

Mental Ray freelancers can bring their expertise and insights to a wide range of products and projects that may need to work with this production-grade rendering application. If you know your project needs to work with this software, then why not consider a short-term or long-term outsourcing solution like Cad Crowd?

At Cad Crowd, we have a global network that includes thousands of CAD design and 3D modeling freelancers, covering a wide variety of engineering, design, and drafting services. This includes 3D rendering with Mental Ray. 

Using acceleration techniques, this software continues to bring a lot to the table. This software provides the user with a considerable degree of flexibility. Like all professional rendering applications, though, Mental Ray is a complex tool to use properly. 

A  competent, reliable freelance Mental Ray designer can come to your project, understand what you are trying to achieve, and get to work immediately. This is what you get when you hire Mental Ray experts through Cad Crowd. Regardless of what you want to achieve, our 3D modeling and rendering freelancers are ready to get to work for you. Create photorealistic renderings of your concept. Create stunning special effects for your film or video game. Make your 3D models really come to life.

This software has a lot of potential, even though it has been on the market for a little while now. Cad Crowd will allow you to find and work with professionals who understand what this software is truly capable of. Start taking advantage of everything Mental Ray can do to help you bring your project to life. We can give you a freelance Mental Ray designer who can bring their experience to the particulars of a project that demands the use of Mental Ray.


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