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JoshMcCann $50/hr

Josh M.

3D Texturing Designer

  • 3D Rendering
  • 3D Modeling
  • CAD Drafting
  • 3D Printing Design
  • Photorealistic Rendering
  • CAD File Type Conversion
  • CAD Design
  • Architectural Rendering
  • 3D Organic Sculpting
  • 3D Texturing
  • Hard Surface Modeling
  • CAD Drawing
  • CAD Rendering
  • CAD File Conversion Services
  • Product Rendering
  • CAD File Format Conversion
  • Furniture 3D Rendering
  • Mechanical 3D Rendering
  • Rendering
  • UV Mapping / Unwrapping
  • AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Luxion KeyShot
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D)
  • ZBrush
  • TopoGun
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Substance Designer
  • Substance Painter
  • Marvelous Designer

Last updated: Mar 6, 2025

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The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring 3D Texturing Designers

Welcome to Cad Crowd, the online platform that will help you find the planet’s best talent for texturing. We will be glad to connect you with freelance texturing experts that are capable of creating the best texturing for your future product. Cad Crowd has a long list of experienced, knowledgeable, and vetted freelancers. Their expertise and knowledge guarantee that your task will be finished in a timely and accurate manner. Eliminate all the possible confusion and problems related to online hiring and set up connections with world-renowned professional texturing freelancers from Cad Crowd.

Texturing, also known as texture mapping, is a specific method utilized for defining surface texture, high-frequency detail and/or color information on a 3D model or computer-generated graphic. The first time that this method was used for application to three-dimensional graphics was way back in 1974. In the beginning, texturing had a much narrower meaning. It was a method that gathered and mapped pixels from any texture to a specific 3D surface. However, with the advancement of technology, and the emergence of multi-pass rendering as well as complex mappings like bump mapping, height mapping, displacement mapping, normal mapping, specular mapping, reflection mapping, occlusion mapping, mipmaps and other technique variations, texturing today is also used for simulation of real time near-photorealism. 

Texturing is actually a specific graphic design process performed by experienced 3D modelers. Their job is to wrap a 2D surface, also known as a texture map, around a 3D object. So, the final 3D model gets a surface texture that looks almost the same to the one found on the 2D surface. To put it in simple words, texturing looks similar to applying paint or wallpaper around solid objects. 

Texture mapping is used in many different areas. Some of the most common texture mapping applications include illumination mapping, modulation textures, bump mapping, non-photorealistic rendering, image-based rendering, and environment mapping. In addition to 3D rendering, designers also use texturing to speed up a few different tasks like tomography and user interface. In the first case, this method is used to visualization of results and for reconstruction of tomographic scan voxel data sets. When it comes to user interfaces it is used to speed up animated transitions of different screen components. 

Our professional designers will be glad to work closely with you on your project. They’ll be here from the beginning to the end – from the initial analysis of the product/design to the moment you get the finalized files. We have already mentioned that texturing is used in different areas and for different purposes and our designers are ready to work on designing regardless of their application. 

The community at Cad Crowd is made of thousands of design specialists from almost every country in the world. Cad Crowd establishes connections between clients and high-ranking freelancers. They offer their texturing services at a very reasonable price. Feel free to provide more information about your future project. Our team will closely assess your needs and suggest the most suitable candidate/s for the job. The quote we’ll send is completely free. 

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