• (2017) Maquiriegos Esagar, Caracas, Venezuela.
Position: Services Engineer.
Experience: design, installation and maintenance of irrigation systems.
• (2016) Design and construction of a...
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• (2017) Maquiriegos Esagar, Caracas, Venezuela.
Position: Services Engineer.
Experience: design, installation and maintenance of irrigation systems.
• (2016) Design and construction of a prototype for the transport of objects needed during trips by bike, Caracas, Venezuela.
Results: prototype of the structure of a multifunctional trailer for bikes.
• (2015) Improvements of food dehydrators for the community of El Paují, Bolívar state, Venezuela.
Experience: design of a food dehydrator using solar energy.
• (2015) Recicrear, Caracas, Venezuela.
Experience: design and construction of wallets from recycled material.
• (2014) Direactores, Caracas, Venezuela.
Experience: design and construction of props for performances from recycled material.