Global rank:
15,021 / 94,534
Skill pts: 0


Graduated with Vocation Diploma in Design Drafting
Worked with many Autodesk products (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architectural, Revit, Inventor) Most proficient 2with Inventor
Skills Manitoba three times medalist:
- Gold: Secondary 2D CADD (2012)
- Silver: Secondary 3D Mechanical CADD (2014)
- Gold: Secondary 3D Mechanical CADD (2015)
Gold Medal Finalist in Skills Canada Secondary 3D Mechanical CADD (2015)
Design Engineer for F1 in Schools Engineering Competition
- Nationals Competition (2013): Fastest Car Award, Best Team Identity Award, Best Engineered Car Award and National Champion Award
- Worlds Competition (2013): Best Verbal Presentation Award, Placed 12 out of 38 teams


  • Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School 2015 graduation

Age: 27

Joined: January 27, 2016