Global rank:
53,484 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling 3D Rendering AutoCAD 2025 Bathroom Design Cabinetry Design CAD Dynamic Blocks Dynamic Components Design Elevations Floor Plans Hand Sketch Rendering Kitchen Design Page Layouting Pencil Drawing to AutoCAD Rendering Shop Drawings Skiagraphy SolidWorks 2015 Tiny Home Design Trimble SketchUp (Google) 2017 Wide Format Printing


I've worked on a number of high end fully-custom architectural casework installations for both commercial applications such as restaurants as well as for luxury homes. My specialty is in designing wine cellars for both display/ showcase as well as high capacity storage. This often involves conceptual customer drawings (may include 3D renderings), shop drawings, CNC drawings, and possibly installation drawings or other trade-specific plans.

I have also done broader work with other types of displays, kitchen cabinetry, bathrooms, closets, entertainment centers, and specialty casework.

I have also completed projects producing sets of residential construction documents for building permit. These typically include a cover page (with scope, table of contents, code, map/ aerial photo, rendering(s) contact info, etc...) site plans, as-builts, floor plans, foundation plans, roofing & structural drawings, building elevations, building sections, detail drawings, electrical routing floor plan, plumbing/ HVAC, and spec pages (for products, FF&E, materials & finishes).


  • Designer Stellar Cellars · Full-time Apr 2022 – Jul 2022 3 mos Portland, OR, United States Designing for high-end wine cellars & wine storage. Completed conceptual drawings, shop drawings, and installation drawings for wine cellars installed in restaurants including Perry's Steakhouse, Perry's Verdad, The Carve Steakhouse, and several residential wine cellars for private collectors.

    I am still working with Stellar Cellars on a consulting basis as
    a customer has scheduled large quantities of an existing design to be produced and no new custom designs are needed for the next several months.


  • Portland Community College AAS, Architectural Drafting & Design - Residential 2010 – 2013 A 4-year associate's degree. An advanced degree that combines architectural design, CAD drafting, and interior design in a single degree path.

Other experience

  • Construction Documents for City Permitting Assembling site plans, structural details and other construction documents allong with the required code compliance information (such as area calculations, zoning information, land surveying information, land contours, utility locations & component specifications, stormwater management, erosion control, etc..) for various cities and jurisdictions with strict requirements on complete and accurate documentation.