Global rank:
54,089 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0


I am expert in mechanical designing field and working in this field for more the two years. I am using solid works software for 3D part modelling and assembly modelling and manufacturing drawing. understanding of GD&T, good knowledge about standards (ISO, ANSI, ASME)


  • Design Egineer DEFENSE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION · Full-time Oct 2020 – Present 4 yrs 5 mos Hyderabad, TG, India some of my designing tools.
    Press tools for Blanking and Piercing operation.
    Sheet metal forming tools for cutting and non-cutting operation.
    Drilling jigs for complicated part
    Fixture for Welding, assembly, Grinding, Milling.
    Expert in 3D Modelling and Drafting.


  • Bihar Secondary Education Board Bachelor of Technogy, ME, 7.2 2016 – 2020