Global rank:
56,959 / 94,289
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling 3D Rendering and Modeling 3ds Max Adobe Photoshop Architectural Animation Architectural CAD Design AutoCAD CAD Design Construction Documents Final Drawings GIMP House Design Microsoft Office Quality Control (QC) V-Ray


14+ years of residential house design experience.
Working Independently and collaboratively with some direction.
Assist Senior designers and office leadership in promoting excellence in design.
Strong skills in AutoCAD 3D and 3D modeling (3dsMax/Vray).


  • Architectural Designer Aspect Design Studio · Full-time Sep 2008 – Present 16 yrs 5 mos Phoenix, AZ, United States Design projects in all design stages (from concept design to construction
    • Design and drafting new construction, additions, and renovations.
    • Designing additions and renovations for single family homes ranging from
    simple garages to whole house renovations.


  • University of Belgrade Bacheler, Architecture, 10 1997 – 2005