Global rank:
57,123 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


Product manager
Professional on managing and developing new electromechanical (such as compressor base and turbofan ventilators) product by using Microsoft project software.
Design SharePoint Website and Solidwork PDM Data management
Manage to create molding plastic injection parts of a product.
Manage to build and installation of product prototypes by collaboration with chines company.

Embedded Programming
Embedded programming with graphical libraries such as LittlevGL and TouchGFX
Embedded programming with RTOS such as embOS and FreeRTOS
Coding ARM microcontroller in IAR and Keil IDE
Coding AVR microcontroller by Codevision and Atmel studio IDE
The ability of programming with Matlab, C++, C#, and Assembly languages

Programming, synthesizing, simulating, implementation of the Xilinix FPGA program with Verilog language

knowledge about standard such as:
Achieve CE for medical devices
ATEX Standard: IEC 60079-0 ,IEC 60079-1, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-25, IEC 79-3
EMC IEC61326-1
IP Standard: IEC60529, ISO
NEMA, SIL, NIST standards
safety requirements for electrical equipment (IEC 61010-2-030)

Web Design
Designing a static and dynamic website with and without content management system (CMS)
The ability of programming with PHP, HTML, CSS languages

Electronic Engineering
Reverse engineering electronic circuits and devices
Professional on designing multi-layer analog and digital electronic board by Altium DXP
Strong knowledge about signal integrity issues such as Reflation, termination, Controlled impedance, EMI, Crosstalk, Differential traces, Power distribution, High-frequency Losses lines, Short Wavelengths, Control trace temperatures
Professional on signal measurement by industrial measurement tools such as Spectrum Analyzer, Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Tracking Generator, Soldering and Disordering Station, LRC Meter, Multimeter
Soldering and assembling surface mount device (SMD)
Designing switching Power Supply

Instrumentation Instruments
Setup and have knowledge about the concept of instrumentation equipment such as Pressure transmitter, Temperature transmitter, Recorder, Level Switch, Level Transmitter
knowledge about Industrial Network such as Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, HART and DCS
Experience of working with Siemens PLC logo, S7 300/400 series

Setup and have knowledge about pneumatic instrument and systems.

Computer knowledge
Setup and maintenance of computer networks (Network+)
Maintenance of personal computers and servers (A+)

Professional in project documentation by using Microsoft Word, Excell, Visio, and Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw software.

Analysis of materials
Material analysis with SEM,TEM,BET, XRD ,VSM


  • Product Manager EDP · Full-time Aug 2017 – Present 7 yrs 7 mos Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran Product manager of designing a new turbofan ventilator. Manage designing pneumatic Section, manage to design PCB boards, Coding at firmware section by C language with ARM Microcontroller and manage to code of HMI Section (Linux).

    Manage and develop sharepoint sites for R&D document library.

    Manage and develop Solidworks PDM for R&D for Mechanical Section library.

    Manage to produce mold model of Plastic Injection parts of product body by collaborating with chines manufacturer.

    Manage and use git repository by gitlab and gitkraken.

    Product maintenance of conventional ventilator at electronic, pneumatic, and mechanical sections.

    Embedded programming ARM 9 (AT91RM9200), Cortex M3(LPC176x) in IAR IDE and debug.

    Embedded programming ST Microcontrollers (407, 429) and Discovery Boards with SSTM32CubeMX and keil

    Embedded programming with graphical libraries such as:


    Embedded programming in RTOS such as:

    Implementing Digital PI Controller for controlling proportional Valves in the pneumatic system that used in ventilator.

    Design and construction of various testers for production line such as:
    Manifold tester
    Sensor board tester
    Ventilation Module tester
    Power module tester
    Front panel tester
    AC to DC converter Tester
    Proportional Valve tester
    Touch and LCD and front panel tester
    Battery tester

    Achieving CE standard for conventional and turbofan-based ventilators.


Joined: January 28, 2023

Last seen: January 29, 2023

