Global rank:
61,888 / 96,274
Skill pts: 0
3D Walkthrough Animation Background Art CAD Design Game 3D Design Hand Molds Hand Painted Textures Hand Sketch Rendering Hand Sketching Design Conversion Ideation Ideation Sketches Jewelry Design Kiosks Design Packaging Design Pencil Drawing to AutoCAD Product Design Rapid Prototyping T-shirt Design Tank Design Toy Design Wallpaper Art


I am a freelance professional artist who has been working since 2018 and a product design undergrad who is willing to work as a toy designer forever. I have an interest in kids and toy stuff.


  • Toy Designer DSL Tikiri toys · Internship Apr 2023 – Present 1 yrs 11 mos undefined, WP, Sri Lanka I am a product design intern who is mainly working on toy in all the steps, like sculpturing, modeling, molding, natural rubber handling, and also with sketching and rendering.

Other experience

  • artist freelance artist since 2018