Global rank:
62,338 / 95,286
Skill pts: 0


Mechanical Engineer with Mentioned Skill Set
1. 2D &3D AutoCAD (Mechanical)
2. 2D AutoCAD (LSD Electrical)
3. SolidWorks
4. Vendor Development, Procurement


  • Senior Purchase Executive Surya Mines SARL, DR Congo (Aura Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd) · Full-time Jul 2017 – Present 7 yrs 8 mos Mumbai, MH, India Obtaining requirements from the production team with adequate details and prioritizing them.
    Floating enquiries, taking the techno-commercial offer, reviewing as per the requirement and
    coordinating with the technical team at Lubumbashi, Congo to get the procurement clearance from
    technical aspects over the technical offer.
    Negotiating the price and the terms to finalize the order after considering all the commercial aspects
    like dispatch lead time, Insurance, delivery incoterms, etc.
    Releasing the purchase orders, Carrying out the material inspection at the supplier's site before
    dispatch to make sure the supply would be as per requirement.
    Scheduling the dispatch and getting material delivered to the required place
    Identifying new vendors, developing them, Auditing the supplier periodically, and maintaining the
    business relations with the suppliers.
    Coordinating with the accounting team for the payment of the supplies, and payment projections on
    a weekly and monthly basis.
    Coordinating with the Export team for export and custom activities, Attending the BIVAC inspection
    (Congo Govt.) and Inspecting container stuffing at the port.
    Executing dual role of Procurement Engineer and Export engineer for the Surya Mines, as the
    production team is situated at Lubumbashi, DR Congo.
  • Junior Purchase Executive Polycab India Limited · Full-time Jul 2017 – Dec 2019 2 yrs 5 mos Mumbai, MH, India Preparing long-term and short-term forecasting for all SKUs by historical data and
    daily discussions with the CPT team.
    Evaluate the forecast accuracy to analyse the error and bias at the product category level in the
    forecast to take timely corrective actions.
    To Monitor the Inventory status of all locations on a daily basis and highlight stockouts to plan the
    Reviewing and redefining the safety stocks/Min-Max levels based on Historic demand, market
    demand, sales strategy and company inventory norms/policy.
    Decision on finalizing the make-to-stock (MTS) items list basis periodicity, demand variability, ABC
    Categorize and the firm with the approval of product heads.
    To prepare inventory liquidation plans for non and slow-moving inventories on a monthly basis.
    To monitor the stock ageing periodically and prepare the liquidation plans for large aged inventory
    in coordination with the respective sales team.
    Floating enquires, reviewing, negotiating on price, payment terms & INCO terms and finalizing the
    Placing purchase orders and providing delivery plans.
    Follow up on delivery status, non-negotiable set in case of imports & tracking original documents
    Coordinating with the Accounts & Finance department for payment projections on a weekly and
    monthly basis.
    Reviewing payment status of domestic vendors and processing due payments.
  • Graduate Engineer Trainee (Design and Site) Payper Bagging India Pvt ltd · Full-time Nov 2016 – May 2017 6 mos Pune, MH, India 1. To visit the site and understand the requirement of customers to prepare 2D GA drawings (General Arrangement).
    2. Preparing 2D GA drawing (General Arrangement) of a bagging machine in Auto-CAD and processing for internal approval.
    3. To help colleagues at the plant with various dispatch pre-activities like assembly and testing of Machines.
    4. Erection and commissioning of the Machine at the customer site as per GA Drawing.
    5. To provide training operators at a site and make them understand all machine operations.
    6. Releasing report of site activities


  • Vidhyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology, Vasai Bachelor of Engineering (mechanical engineering), Mechanical Engineering, 60% 2013 – 2016
  • K. J. Somaiya Polytechnic, Vidyavihar, Mumbai Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), Mechanical Engineering, 77.50% 2010 – 2013
  • Maharashtra Board, Pune Secondary School Certificate (SSC), SSC, 91.82% 2009 – 2010


Joined: May 28, 2023

Last seen: June 16, 2024


English Limited working proficiency

Hindi Professional working proficiency

Marathi Native or bilingual proficiency


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India