Global rank:
1,661 / 95,239
Skill pts: 18


You may have a good concept & may be good visualizer in market however do you know how to make concept to product. Many ideas were rest in pipe line because visualizers don't know how to make a model, analyse & making product.

Don't worry about your concept. We are here for your concept to making a Product.

Projects Engineering & Modeling Services provides its consulting & engineering services from preliminary planning to detailed design and then prototype 3D model.

Our Projects are managed by several autonomous, skilled and committed engineers.

Each Team's key members posses more than a decade of vast experience in various projects related to Steel & Power sector, Structural & RCC design & detailing.

Design Entries


  • IP Diploma, Mech 2004 graduation
  • ITI Draughtsman, Mech 2001 graduation


Age: 43

Joined: July 4, 2016


New Delhi, Delhi, India